Kurt Baker Live at Sala Z CD

Short Description: A live CD of an absolutely killer set by Kurt Baker and the gang. The recording is top notch and mastered by Justin Perkins. It's incredible.
Long Description: Last year while playing shows in Spain the Kurt Baker band took a live recording of one of their shows. I was lucky enough to get to hear it and thought this has to be made available. This is just too good. The first plan was to release it as a limited LP, but that was going to be a while and is quite expensive. Since Justin Perkins gave us the file for CDs and since CDs are fast and less expensive, I made a small batch of CDs and sent half of them to Kurt in Spain to sell at upcoming shows. I gave each member of the band a handful of copies. When Kurt posted it on his facebook page, I sold out in 20 minutes. Selling out is great, but we had made it way too limited and too many fans were being denied. So we just made another batch. This batch is just as small as the first batch so I anticipate it will also sell out quickly. The only thing we changed on this second run is we added a barcode. So if you got the first edition, it's barcode-less. That's the collector nerd bragging rights you can hold onto. It will get you as much clout as the basketball version of the Gin Blossoms CD.
And in other exciting news, the LP in in production and is due to be finished in mid-may. It will be super limited as well. Between the two batches of CDs and the run of LPs due in Mid May, it's still less copes than we would normally do for a Kurt Baker release so you gotta act fast on these.